Classroom and after-school activities about the Sun-Earth connection

Monday - The Sun As a Star
Tuesday - Solar Close-Ups
Wednesday- The Active Sun
Thursday - All About Eclipses
Friday - Solar Careers, Internships and Opportunities
Registering to participate in Solar Week curriculum and message board is not mandatory, but helps us understand who uses our site and make future improvements. [Registration for the live webinar on Friday, March 25th IS requested. See below].
Scroll down for latest updates! Solar Week, a week of online lessons, games and hands-on activities about the Sun for grades 5-9 (ages 9-14), happens twice a year, in March and October. Daily Lessons, Games and Activities are available all year; "Ask a Question" has archived answers only until we are LIVE during Solar Week. Post your questions to leading solar scientists during Solar Week.
During Solar Week, your group or class can post a question for our solar scientists to answer! The way to post a question is to go to the MESSAGE BOARD message board and then click on the area in which you are interested, for example, "Facts About the Sun" or "Being or Becoming a Scientist" and then you will see a button that says "Write a New Post." You will be Anonymous unless you choose to give your name or affiliation.
Meet the Scientists who will be answering your questions.
UPDATES - Spring 2023
During our hiatus from live programs, check out our MAKE & TAKE ACTIVITIES.
Solar Week has new funding and we'll be expanding our scope, starting in Fall 2023. We will feature a live webinar and live hangouts with scientists, in addition to the usual classroom lessons and interactive message board. Watch this space for updates.
Watch our latest Special Live Webinar
Full Spectrum: Short film screening and discussion about diversity in science

The popular image of a scientist is a white guy in a white lab coat. In Full Spectrum, meet scientists changing this notion and learn their perspectives on the challenges of diversity in the sciences.
Join us for a special screening of the NASA-funded short film followed by a discussion with several of the scientists featured in the documentary. All are welcome to attend and ask questions. Content will be suitable for middle school ages and older.
The one-hour Webinar took place on Friday, March 26, 2021 @ 11am Pacific Time (2pm Eastern Time) . You can watch it here:
Watch on YouTube
You can watch Full Spectrum anytime at:
View Last Fall's Live Webinar on YouTube

Pat with Jar Jar Binks. She will be speaking on Space Weather and the MMS mission.
We were delighted with our live webinar speaker Dr. Patricia Reiff on Thursday, October 15, 2020, who gave a 30-minute youth-oriented presentation. This took place on Zoom and was also live-streamed to YouTube.
With the dawn of the new solar cycle, solar activity is picking up. Although the disasters of the show "Cobra" are not likely to occur, it has gotten folks interested in the effects of Space Weather. Pat will talk about space weather and the MMS mission.
Watch on YouTube
Tell Us What You Think
Your anonymous reviews of Solar Week would be most helpful to us in deciding on future content!
Educator questionnaire Student questionnaire